So you’ve qualified as a Coach!

Nicola Arnett
3 min readAug 14, 2019

What’s next?

Build a website, get some business cards, design a logo, create a funnel, you’ll need an opt-in/lead magnet, what about a niche, email list, make a webinar, learn how to write sales pages, host a summit, design a coaching package. Or maybe you should write a book or create a course.

The list goes on and on…

As soon as you start one thing, you realise that there are a hundred more things for you to do, and to learn about, it is never-ending!

Photo With thanks to from Pexels

Then there is always the shiny solution if you sign up and pay lots of money, you’ll get a few simple steps, and you’ll create a 7 figure business.

Is this really where you want to be focusing your time?

What about if I told you that none of this is necessary. After all, did you set out to be a marketer?

Or are you passionate about working with people and making a real difference?

I spent three years doing all of the above marketing techniques. Yes, I made a difference. But it was exhausting; there was always so much more to learn!

Getting a few clients took up a considerable amount of my time, energy and money. It simply wasn’t sustainable. I got into a lot of debt, and my health and my family suffered.

I realised the clients I did help, were the ones that I had connected with, I didn’t even need all of these marketing techniques. So I embarked on a different way. I started reaching out and connecting with potential clients one by one and building a relationship-based business.

I stumbled across the book “The Prosperous Coach’ by Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler, and this gave me confidence that I was heading in the right direction.

“Most of the mistakes failed coaches make are of the information manipulation variety. Lots of marketing and social media posting. Lots of learning about branding and niches. Lots of trying to win friends and influence people. None of it works. Ever. In the world of coaching. Because coaching changes lives. Therefore all the shallow people-pleasing forms of sale manipulation are inappropriate” (The Prosperous Coach).

My calendar now fills up quickly and easily, and I have an awesome work/ life balance.

I’m passionate about helping coaches avoid the pitfalls that I fell into, by working with coaches and helping professionals I also make a difference to not just the person in front of me, but to all their future clients too. We don’t need burnt out coaches, but coaches that are ready to make a real difference in the world, one client at a time.

Your time and energy are limited and precious. As a coach, all you need to do is to learn how to put boundaries in place, how to overcome your limiting beliefs and how to make connections and create clients.

So my closing question for you is, do you want to be a marketer or a coach?

If you’ve found value in this blog post, you may like to know that I offer a few without charge breakthrough sessions each week, to coaches that are ready to create a thriving coaching business.



Nicola Arnett

Coach, Writer and Speaker helping you to find peace of mind and live life to the fullest.