How to live a life that you love

Nicola Arnett
3 min readFeb 26, 2020

Without changing or doing anything extra!

What is stopping you loving your life just the way it is?

Take a moment to consider this question…

Perhaps life seems ok, BUT there is just one thing if that were to change or even WHEN that changes then you’ll be happy and love your life.

Photo by Anubhav Saxena on Unsplash

The ONE thing may be a physical thing like where you live, the past experiences you want to let go of, or even someone else that seems to be causing you STRESS.

This is how most of us live our lives. Waiting to be happy or accepting that there is stuff or times that you need to sacrifice so that the rest of your life is ok.

For instance, you may sacrifice the time that you spend at work as just something you need to get through so that you can enjoy your evenings and weekends and have the belief that if only you could get that promotion or earn more money, then it would be worth it and life would be good.

So how do you live a life that you love right now, without changing or doing anything?

By understanding how your experience of life is being created moment to moment. Right now as you’re reading this reality is unfolding. This moment that your living right now is brand new and perfect just the way it is.

There is no alternative moment to be experienced. You couldn’t be right now sitting in a different place or living another life. This moment is neither in the past nor in the future. You are exactly where you are, experiencing this moment.

If you look at your hand right now and ask yourself “where is your hand?”, and then ask yourself the question “when is your hand?”

Your hand can’t be in the past, try patting yourself on your shoulder 5 minutes ago. Or right now, try touching something 5 minutes into the future. In the same way, you can only experience life unfolding moment to moment in the present.

In this present moment, nothing in the outside world can affect how you feel or experience it. It is all an inside job. If you were on holiday and watching a beautiful sunset, or feeling relaxed after a yoga class, it may seem that the so-called “positive” experience is coming from your surroundings.

Photo by Jasper Boer on Unsplash

But the fact that the experience comes from the outside world can’t be true, as some people can feel happy and content whilst being in the most challenging physical conditions. Other people can seem to have everything and be unhappy.

It can seem like there is ONE thing stopping you living a life that you love and it can seem like your situation is causing you to feel a certain way. We all fall into this trap from time to time.

But when you see where your experience is coming from, and how it’s being created, then everything else can fall away, leaving you in the space of happiness. This is the space I lead my clients to.

Do you have ONE thing that SEEMS to be stopping you living a life that you love?



Nicola Arnett

Coach, Writer and Speaker helping you to find peace of mind and live life to the fullest.